Beneath the Surface II 2024 - ...

The Gaze Beneath

This series captures the goldfish exhibition at Ginza Mitsukoshi Aquarium in Japan, a meticulously curated display that reflects the nation's pursuit of order and aesthetic perfection. Having lived in Japan for two years, I became increasingly aware of how societal structures shape individual behavior. The exhibition, with its precisely arranged fish tanks, mirrors the way Japanese society values harmony, uniformity, and controlled beauty.

The goldfish, selectively bred to fit aesthetic ideals, exist within a confined yet visually enchanting environment—an analogy for individuals adapting to societal expectations. As an observer, I saw parallels between my own experience of assimilation and the controlled nature of the exhibition. The fish exist to be watched, yet in their gaze, I sense an awareness, a silent question of agency.

By framing the goldfish in moments of stillness, movement, and direct eye contact, this series explores the tension between conformity and individuality, the seen and unseen, and the dynamic between observer and observed. Are we merely watching, or are we also being watched? Through this work, I invite viewers to reflect on their own roles within structured social systems.



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